Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Once again I celebrate life today because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. When I consider why fearfully, I realize that the creator of the human being must be reverentially feared because of the complexities involved in the creation of humans. No human being can even begin to understand the human mind nor our physical make up. It cannot be duplicated. It is said that humans use just 10% of their minds yet look at all that we have accomplished. We must fear this awesome wonder, Jehovah who made the universe and everything in it.

I am humbled by the fact that we were created with a purpose in mind. Not one of us, is here on earth, without a purpose and a destiny in place for us. We are destined for something on this earth. What is it that you were created for?

I am saddened because we continue to live lives of desperation, frustration and condemnation. We major on the minors, become overwhelmed by life and curse our very existence. If only we stay plugged in to God not for what He can give to us but because in Him lies the road map to our destinies. To be honest, many times I look to Him for the fulfillment of my plans and not necessarily for instructions to fulfill His.

When we wait for instructions, do we move when He says so, or do we operate on what we think is the right thing to do?

Are we relying on God as if our very lives depend on it? We should, because our lives depend on our relying on, trusting in and following Him!

God has a plan for our lives and I pray that our faith will keep us anchored to Him because only He has the key to unlock that which He has placed in us. It requires faith to pursue but we know that He is faithful and will not cause us to fail eternally. His destiny is sure, his plans for us are sure and His desire for us is sure and our lives in Him is secure.

Trust Him with everything that is in you and do not lean on your own understanding because He knows the path we take and he knows the plans He has for our lives. Let go of all that you are holding on to and release yourself into His hands. What better hands to be in, than the one who knows us intimately in ways that no one alive can or will. He created us for a reason and it is the fulfillment of that purpose that I am pursuing.

Let's pursue together as we journey on the road of life as sisters holding each other up as we travel along.

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