Thursday, July 9, 2009


Isn't it strange that mankind was impregnated with a seed from the moment we were conceived?

This seed is to become a tree in our lifetime but how many of us stifle that seed and stare it of the relevant nutrients that it needs for survival? We start out by doubting that there is anything of worth within us. So we don't look inside or consider our possibilities. We buy into the lie that we are who our external life says we are. We are who people say we are.....

What is inside of you? What is your secret dream that you would never ever utter aloud? That thing that you are afraid to even consider because it might make others uncomfortable or it makes you uncomfortable. You think that it is too small or too grand. Nothing is wasted by the one that planted the seed in you from conception. Who will you trust more? Your fears or He who knows best?

- William Burbach - For the flower to blossom, you need the right soil as well as the right seed-

What seed did God place into you (right soil)? Unfold the beauty of the flower that is within? Change! Choose to be one who thinks that everything is possible!

The light for your path is within you because God is always with you so engage Him and step forward. He has a plan for your life. Are you going to trust Him?

It is said, "The greatest journey starts with a single step" and "the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time."

It starts with a decision.

-Robert Strauss - "Success is a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired - you quit when the gorilla is tired."

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