Thursday, July 9, 2009


Do you feel incomplete? Why do you feel that way?
What do you think is missing from your life?
Do you think that you need a man to feel complete?
Is there a huge vacuum in your life? Do you feel that God wired you for relationship and until "the one" comes into your life you will never be whole?
Is that really true? Shouldn't you be complete in yourself first?
Is it that we have been socialized from an early age to think that until we are in a fulfilling relationship with the opposite sex then we are not who we are supposed to be?

It is time for us to realize that we must be content with ourselves. How are we going to be of service to someone else while we aren't satisfied with who we are? Didn't God say that we are complete in Him lacking nothing? Is this not the truth?

Indeed, we are wired for relationship, nevertheless, until God bring our partner our way our efforts should be spent on developing ourselves and becoming complete. The thing that we desire most comes to us often times and we are unable to handle it when we get it.

We have grown up in a culture that dictates influences our desires so much that often times we don't even know the "real me". We read the romance novels and watch the movies and these creating a feed a yearning within us so strong that we walk around looking for someone to fill that space. We are afraid to be alone because we don't believe that we can live a fulfilled life without a partner. So many have just drifted through their lives for years not fully enjoying the moments they are giving because they have no one to "share it with", no man to all their own and rob themselves of the wonder that might be found in .....

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