Believe in the Lord & the power of His might. Great things you can do when you believe. Hebrews 11:16 says “Without faith it is impossible to please God”. It was faith that caused Noah to build an Ark when there was no rain in sight. It was faith that caused Sarah to conceive and have a baby as an old woman. It was faith that caused Abraham to leave all that he had to go to a foreign land and settle believing that God was going to make a mighty nation though Him. Be bold and courageous. Do not be afraid because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. And, he will make a way for you (Fears – being alone, not being popular, financial instability etc)
Endurance - Never give up in spite of what you are going through. Do not allow the challenges you face to cripple you and cause you to lose hope. Use each challenge as stepping stones. Do not settle for less than you deserve because you were made in the image and likeness of the God who created the universe and all that is within it.
Limitations – Remove all limitations which you have placed on the Lord by placing them on yourself. There are no limits with God because HE is ALL powerful and mighty. Remove the limitations that you have placed on yourself. . If you think you can, you will. Once you believe that you can then nothing can stop you. Reach beyond the limits!
Inquire of God and He will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you do not know about. He said He is your guide and He will lead you beside still waters and restore your soul. You might feel beaten up by circumstances beyond your control, you have so, much on your mind but trust Him, talk with Him and He will answer you.
Experience God through obedience of His word,. Call upon Him and He will answer you. He said that those who seek him will find Him and He is rewards those who carefully & consistently seek him. Do you want wisdom? Ask. Knowledge, self control, confidence? Ask believing that He is going to answer and look for the answer, and Act. Expect Him to answer you and do not give up when it seems that your answer will not come. Daniel fasted and prayed about some things for 21 days……
Victory- A life lived with total confidence in God is a victorious one. Your belief will be evident as you live daily and make choices based upon God’s directions. How will you know what He’s saying? Through reading the Word of God, the Bible.
Encouragement – be encouraged and do not be dismayed because God has begun a good work in you and He is faithful to complete it. He has not and will not give up on you and I challenge you not to give up on Him. Remember He love each of you so much that He gave His only son to die for you in order to give you a chance.
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